At the End of the Day

The Slog

I’ve blogged quite a bit over the years about the friction some people will always feel (myself included) between the desire to be protected by the herd/pack/tribe, and the need to ‘call out’ every last case of unethical, pretentious, mindless or irresponsible behaviour. But often the comment thread afterwards suggests that a lot of people think I’m just being self-important, or – worse – they’ve no idea what I’m on about.

It is far too easy in our society to come across as an inveterate moaner. But ‘moaner’ is another of those thinly veiled ‘frames’ into which keen observers can be force-fitted in order to ignore them: grumpy old man, tree-hugger, Leftie, and so on. So perhaps the best method is to give some personal examples from the past about how the pack-pressure to conform can be subtly (and yet devastatingly) applied….and at the same time, how the non-conformist too…

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The Nationalist Voice

Dr. Pamela Costello MD Integrative Neurological Medicine

3915 Bristol Hwy Suite 103, Johnson City, TN 37601. Phone: 423-461-0073 Fax: 1-423-461-0076

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A Cognitive Dissident


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